A Short presentation of POINT M1-E81

Base: 9086 Töltéstava-Táplánypuszta
Address: 1068. Budapest, Benczúr u.28. fsz.6.
Tel: +36-30 5103618 / +36-1 3525450
Fax: +36-1 4137098

The company was founded in 1993 under the name Bauernbrot Kft., and it dealt with the utilisation of the 58.4 ha pig-farm bought from Ringa and with agricultural, warehousing and transportation activities. Its main owner was the multinational FIDUC group, which operates in eight countries with headquarters in South America, and its Hungarian company. In Hungary, since 1987, FIDUC's activity has included a housing project specially advertised for those who came back to settle down again in Hungary, the establishment of Hotel KEMPINSKI-CORVINUS, the establishment of Mechatronika International, a robot technology joint venture, the privatisation of KÖZTI (Public Building Planning Institute), and building the headquarters of General Banking and Trust Co. Ltd., the central building of Mechatronika, the new headquarters of KÖZTI and the OKTOGON Office Block.

In the development plans in connection with Bauernbrot Kft. a decisive change took place when Baráth Consulting Rt., which specialises in industrial park development and operation, joined the company in 1999, and in 2001 this was followed by purchasing the business share of the Töltéstava Local Authority.

The new concept, which was also expressed by the 1999 company name change, involves the development of an Industrial Park with the help of which Point will be able to fill in the market gap existing in the area around Győr, the market of logistics companies, suppliers and service providers intending to settle down near the large multinational companies. The area owned by Point is situated on both sides of route E81, which links Győr and Székesfehérvár and has an especially large amount of goods vehicle traffic, 1,200 metres from the M1 (E60; E65) and route E81 intersection, about 5 km-s from the border of the town of Győr, on the southern edge of an agglomeration of 200 thousand inhabitants. From this point three capital cities are situated within an hour's drive, with more than 10 million people living inside this radius, this position also being one of the apexes of the Golden Triangle, the most intensively developing area of the Central Eastern European region. The proximity of the rapidly developing Gönyű dock and the airport at Pér makes the area an ideal position for a logistics centre and wholesale distribution base.

The basic principle of the development is to provide those who intend to settle here with an area that acts as a complement to the Győr areas, which operate at a relatively high cost; this area would have the lowest possible costs and a high central service-providing ratio. As the suppliers and service providers are companies significantly smaller than those in Győr, the price of the land and infrastructure for them is significant (especially in the initial period of the investment).

Point M1-E81 Industrial Development Kft. employs a specialist team with whom it can serve those who settle down here in the long term, and it can extend its services to suit the current demands. Apart from project management, the representatives of planning, construction and consulting companies are also present in the company at the moment.
In the interest of implementing the development plans of Point Kft. we have put together a project team the members of which are the managers and owners of the companies in the consortium established to realise the Industrial Park.